Women and Procurement

Course description


This course highlights the important role played by women in the economy and showcases the need to improve the current situation of women-owned businesses by using government procurement. It introduces the various barriers to the successful participation of women in public tenders, and offers a set of strategies and solutions which Public Procurement Officers can use to provide greater opportunities to women-owned businesses. Indeed, governments have a variety of targeted measures available to help the economic prospects of women, many of which have already been approved through existing governmental policies. The issue of capacity building for women-owned businesses is also discussed, with focus placed on the potential positive role which can be played by Procurement Officers in this regard.

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

Argue for the importance of the involvement of women in the economy;
Identify the barriers that impact the successful participation of women-owned businesses in public procurement procedures;
Identify strategies to assist women-owned businesses in submitting successful tender bids; and
Identify targeted measures that facilitate greater involvement by women in government procurement


We recommend using the latest version of the Chrome or Safari browsers to ensure an optimal experience viewing the lectures.



Participants who meet the course requirements will receive a Certificate of Achievement issued in electronic format.


Lecture 1
Introduction to Women-owned Businesses and Procurement (L126)
Lecture 2
Strategies to Overcome Barriers to Women-owned Businesses in Public Procurement (L127)
Lecture 3
Targeted Assistance Measures and Capacity Building (L128)
Case Study Exercise (C043)
Certificate of Completion
Women and Procurement Login to Sign Up
Course Language
English ‎(en)‎
Next start date
14, October 2024
Time required
4 hours over 2 weeks
Course fee
Free of charge
Course access
Open for enrolment
Tutor Information

Juan Hoyos

women government procurement public procurement officers governmental policies women-owned businesses tender bids strategies capacity building responsible sourcing business women empowerment