Risk Management for Climate Change

Course description


Climate change generates significant environmental, economic and social losses globally and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. In fact, even if greenhouse gas emissions suddenly stopped tomorrow, Earth’s surface temperatures would still require thousands of years to return to the levels of the pre-industrial era. This means that some climate threats will continue to progress despite our efforts to reduce global warming and, as a result, businesses across the world will be exposed to climate risks in the decades to come.

Thus, understanding and effectively managing climate risks will need to become common practice for businesses if they are to remain competitive and thrive. Businesses will need to increase their capacity to identify climate risks, not just in their own activities and operations, but throughout their value chains. They will also have to find practical ways to reduce their exposure and sensitivity to climate impacts and adjust their strategy to build climate resilience in their value chain operations.

This is where this course comes in. With a focus on the agricultural sector, this course introduces businesses to both the physical and transition risks of climate change, and presents some strategies to help mitigate their impact on profitability and commercial operations.

After completing this course, participants will be able to:

Assess their business' vulnerabilities to physical climate change risks and take steps to mitigate these;
Identify the different domestic policy instruments, market mechanisms and conditions that can generate transition risks for carbon-intensive production systems; and
Identify different types of opportunities created by the transition to a low carbon economy, as well as ways to achieve greater resource efficiency in the agriculture sector.


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Participants who meet the course requirements will receive a Certificate of Completion issued in electronic format.


Module 1:
The Physical Risks of Climate Change
Module 2:
Transition Risks of Climate Change
Module 3:
Climate Change-Related Opportunities
Risk Management for Climate Change Login to Sign Up
Course Language
English ‎(en)‎
Next start date
7, April 2025
Time required
4 hours over 2 weeks
Course type
Online/Internet Based
Course fee
Free of charge
Course access
Open for enrolment
Tutor Information

Dr Laura Canevari

Laura Canevari, PhD, is a climate change adaptation specialist with 12+ years of experience. She is the CEO and Founder of ITACA, dedicated to accelerating climate adaptation in the Caribbean region. Laura has supported climate services for public and private sectors, including vulnerability assessments, community-based adaptation, and climate resilience analysis. She also facilitates training and capacity building programs. Laura holds degrees from the University of Queensland, University of Oxford, and King's College London, with a focus on coastal management and environmental change.
climate change risks sustainability risk management