This course introduces the basic features of contracts for the cross-border sale of goods and services, highlighting the importance for internationally active SMEs of using appropriate legal concepts, terms and conditions. It showcases the various steps to ensuring a proper contracting process, presents the main international framework for cross-border contracts and, basing itself on the ITC Model Contracts, offers several examples of sound legal clauses which SMEs can use in their everyday operations. |
COURSE DESCRIPTION This course begins by defining the main attributes of cross-border contracts and outlines their differences from domestic contracts, before moving on to explain the preliminary process of contracting and the early-on documents that are required by both parties to establish a basis for entering into a formal contractual relationship. The course then continues to introduce various useful resources for SMEs to use in their work with contracts, such as the ITC Model Contracts, the UNIDROIT Principles, the Vienna Convention (CISG), and the International Chamber of Commerce. Finally, it highlights the most important legal concepts for cross-border contracts such as good faith, freedom of contract, reasonableness, materiality, and force majeure, and finishes by providing a quick overview of important terms and conditions of which SMEs should be aware including payment, delivery, insurance, and compliance. NOTE: We recommend using the latest version of the Chrome or Safari browsers to ensure an optimal experience viewing the lectures. At the end of this course, participants will be able to:
Lecture 1: Introduction to Contracts
Lecture 2: Model Laws for Cross-Border Contracts
Lecture 3: Legal Concepts and Terms and Conditions
Case Study Exercise
- Tutor: Tamari Bitchashvili
- Tutor: Caroline Kemunto