Introduction to Business Plans

Course description


This course introduces participants to the concept and structure of business plans. It begins by outlining their general importance and uses, before moving on to divide them into six types according to the purpose for which they were built. It then introduces two frameworks which can be useful in conceptualizing a business plan: the Strategy Diamond and the Business Model Canvas. Finally, it concludes by offering an exercise designed to help participants organize their thoughts when writing a business plan.

After completing this course, participants will be able to:

Explain the importance and uses of the different types of business plans;
Use the Strategy Diamond framework to determine the various strategic inputs that go into creating a business plan;
Develop a Business Model Canvas as a first step to creating a business plan; and
Write an outline to present a business plan.


We recommend using the latest version of the Chrome or Safari browsers to ensure an optimal experience viewing the lectures.


Participants who meet the course requirements will receive a Certificate of Completion issued in electronic format.


Lecture 1
Introduction to Business Plans (L342)
Lecture 2
The Business Strategy Framework (L343)
Lecture 3
The Business Model Canvas (L344)
Lecture 4
How to present a Business Plan (L345)
Case Study Exercise (C082)
Certificate of Achievement
Introduction to Business Plans Login to Sign Up
Course Language
English ‎(en)‎
Next start date
16, September 2024
Time required
4 hours over 2 weeks
Course fee
Free of charge
Course access
Open for enrolment
Tutor Information

Shaun Lake (Tutor)

business model canvas business plan entrepreneurship strategy