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Market Analysis and Abuse of Dominance Online Workshop Page

Welcome to the "Market Analysis and Abuse of Dominance" Online Workshop Page. On this page you will be able to find the various workshop resources including workbooks, evaluation, certificate, etc.


This course showcases the principles and best practices for trade information services planning and management. It also conceptualises enterprise-focused information services to enable better informed decision making by the business community.

After completing this course, participants will be able to:

Understand the criteria needed for selecting and using reliable trade information resources; and
Design a trade information service portfolio


We recommend using the latest version of the Chrome or Safari browsers to ensure an optimal experience viewing the lectures.
Market Analysis and Abuse of Dominance Online Workshop Page Login to Sign Up
Course Language
English ‎(en)‎
Next start date
To be announced...
Time required
Course fee
Course access
Self enrolment (Participant)